May 1, 2012


"To Keep the Faith, Don't Get Analytical"

According to a new study, The Thinker's reflective pose (left) promotes religious disbelief, while other poses do not.
Credit: Source: Wikimedia
The foundation of our beliefs is due to the influences at a very early age when we relied on direction for survival which was the same time we learned the red burner was hot. This is imprinting. The child who accepts the burner is hot by being told is more intuitive and less analytic than the child who is determined to find out on his own.

I speculate that the child who never questions or expresses analytical thinking patterns are more acceptable to "doing as told" and "believing as taught."  He is prone to side with majority and less likely to research for himself.  He is more likely to believe media. He is also probably the more well behaved child, causing less conflict and disruption in the household.

As the adult, he would be good in a setting where this type of rote behavior is desirable- in a field, fenced in with a caretaker present in a job performing a task for sake of duty whose ideas are never considered.  He often joins a church that teaches the law and how to judge others by the law but learns to ignore his wrongs for he is saved.

So what you have is a box, the size of the United States of America, filled with these people telling other people how to live, how to believe and how he isn't favored by God.

A recent study was performed to target the thinking styles to determine the probability of being a 'believer' based on such. The study leans in the direction where analytical thinking patterns belong more to the less religious where the more intuitive seemed more religious.

The study wasn't 100% conclusive and only offered speculatory findings but I feel the study itself offers a window for further exploration.

It would be interesting to follow a study group of children like I described above because of course, this post is merely my opinion and an analytic viewpoint, but I guess you're aware of that.

I would like to play ping pong with this idea.  Derek, I know you'll challenge me and induce more thought...

Email me: or comment below


  1. I will ponder over this, after my nightly prayers.

  2. I was told to believe what I was told and not ask questions. Then, I left Surry County. THEN, I went to college. I question everything AND pray, just not like I was told to do.

    1. I wrote this post and then worried about it last night. I think I'll write a post about worrying about what I write but anyways- I don't remember being told how to believe when I was small. My parents didn't church (my mother did after I was older and she was always Christian) but I do remember questioning everything about Christianity and God. Forever I have. I've never been able to be fully convinced of anything in my life (or fully brainwashed). I pray. I believe in God, though I'm still trying to place his whereabouts at times (is everywhere in everything or out there somewhere holding down the eternity). I read the bible. Seriously. Then I step out and consider the context. I've come to believe that not everything is literal and I get annoyed at those who take every word at face value. Perhaps my love for metaphors help me to see that? I felt bad about writing this post- the part about the child growing up and the ugly things I said. I think I will edit this one! I do think there are some who do fit the description, however but I shouldn't have said that about every believer as it came across! Hugs!!!

    2. I edited mine this morning from fear of repercussions! We are so similar in many ways.



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