"Here's the thing, folks- Our bodies were designed to maintain and repair itself. In order to do so, you must give it what it needs to function- not just 'oh I ate healthy today' because really you did nothing for yourself, you must refuel your body with what it takes to run as it uses it."
People respond to disease in this manner "(insert ailment here) attacked and is killing"... "OMG (insert ailment here) is an epidemic." Cancer is a personified villain roaming the streets taking out the good people.
Cancers, Diabetes, will never be curable. Pills are great in masking pain, but the truth is, research is just a money making industry.
You must decide here and now your destiny. This is up to you and you alone. Natural Selection is already at work and he may have your number on his "next to be called list."
I sit among my fellow humans and observe the behavior and this is what I can report- They don't eat for shit; the live on fast food, pizza, cheeseburgers, french fries and chicken nuggets. They make fun of brussel sprouts and garlic and free time is vegging out on chips and Oreo's on the couch, while loading up on Red Bull or Budweiser then top it off by smoking cigarettes saying "smoking don't really hurt people."
If this you, Natural Selection has your number and don't be so alarmed when your doctor wants to give you synthetic chemicals to slow the process.
Each of us sat in Health classes. Each of us learned about the food groups. Each of us learned there are nutrients in certain foods that are good for us. Sadly, what we learned in grade school is this- Calcium builds strong bones and you get it from Milk. Carrots are good for your eyes but mama only puts them in stew. Greens keep your back straight. That's probably the extent of it. Then we looked at a food chart that was in the shape of a triangle (below):
Nutrients and their richest food sources
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Cancer is going to kill us all...RUN!!! |
Cancers, Diabetes, will never be curable. Pills are great in masking pain, but the truth is, research is just a money making industry.
You must decide here and now your destiny. This is up to you and you alone. Natural Selection is already at work and he may have your number on his "next to be called list."
I sit among my fellow humans and observe the behavior and this is what I can report- They don't eat for shit; the live on fast food, pizza, cheeseburgers, french fries and chicken nuggets. They make fun of brussel sprouts and garlic and free time is vegging out on chips and Oreo's on the couch, while loading up on Red Bull or Budweiser then top it off by smoking cigarettes saying "smoking don't really hurt people."
If this you, Natural Selection has your number and don't be so alarmed when your doctor wants to give you synthetic chemicals to slow the process.
Food, The right food, is a life saver. But you must act now.
Each of us sat in Health classes. Each of us learned about the food groups. Each of us learned there are nutrients in certain foods that are good for us. Sadly, what we learned in grade school is this- Calcium builds strong bones and you get it from Milk. Carrots are good for your eyes but mama only puts them in stew. Greens keep your back straight. That's probably the extent of it. Then we looked at a food chart that was in the shape of a triangle (below):

This food chart is directing you BUILD up. Breads and grains should be the foundation of every meal. Next, add your fruits and veggies then build up accordingly. The problem with the picture is that it has been viewed by mostly stupid ignorant people and this is how the triangle is interpreted- Fats and sugars are on top of the totem poll, breads and grains are at the bottom. Don't believe me? Look at the average dinner plate...........
Here's the thing, folks- Our bodies were designed to maintain and repair itself. In order to do so, you must give it what it needs to function- not just 'oh I ate healthy today' because really you did nothing for yourself, you must refuel your body with what it takes to run as it uses it.
Being overweight is a symptom, not a condition. An overweight body is saying "I cannot handle what you are doing to me." Guys, cut it out- you're giving your body something (or more than enough of somethings) that it cannot pass.
The system works this way- food goes in mouth, digestion begins. Digestion is your body coming and looking at what you just gave it, it tears it to pieces like scavengers and taking away valuable finds (hint, nutrients). After this process, the remains get trashed. You aim to speed up this process (high metabolism) because the quicker the waste gets out of there, the less time you have for infection setting in the intestines from aging bacteria. YUCK! So for this reason, add fiber to your meals. Fiber makes the waste heavy and it'll pass much faster than when lighter (imagine big kid on water slide versus the little skinny kid). Promise- Google it :)
Here are some great links that can kick off your education.
First, you should know exactly what vitamins and nutrients you should be giving yourself EVERY DAY (this is why you see % of Daily Value on the side of the box when you read the serving size).
This link below tells you what they do for your body. Really read it- are you looking for a cure for a disease you have or wish to prevent it?
Okay, so now you know what they do for ya, how do you get them? First you should know that you can take supplements, however if you want to be sure your body absorbs it- it's best to intake goodness with food.. The link below tells you from which foods you can get your nutrients.